
Team Blue Bookshelf

Do you talk about the books you are reading? Or movies? Or TV shows? Not in a "Oh I read blah blah and it was about blah blah," but really discuss and analyze the book with another person? I first became inspired to really discuss the culture that is going into my head by my high school French teacher. One day she commented that after watching a movie, she and her husband talk about it and discuss it. It made an impression on me, I suppose. It's easy to take in what culture and society is feeding you and never question it.

I am currently reading Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy by Eric Metaxas. I have never been a fan of reading biographies, but this book has really got me hooked. I am so inspired by Bonhoeffer's faith, courage, and intellectualism concerning theology.
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Aaron just finished up The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon. This book really sparked a lot of discussion on autism, the causes, how we would deal with an autistic child, etc. Since being in the education field, I have seen many children with Autism in the classroom, so it was interesting to share my own experiences as Aaron read the book.

So, if you are looking for some good reads, we suggest those above. And don't forget to talk about it with another person...sharing is learning! (Said by a true educator...  ;)